Title: Yoghurt - Cools You Down
Link: Yoghurt - Cools You Down
Yoghurt - Cools You Down
Yoghurt - The very word cools you down, especially in the warm summer months, when the heat is full on. Yoghurt is yummy, thick and creamy. It is a virtual treasury of zinc, calcium, Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B12, protein and yeast. The wonderful nutrients and minerals in yoghurt protects your bones, fights off osteoporosis, battles cancer, cancer, diarrhoea, high blood pressure and yeast infection. It bolsters digestion, immune function and weight control. Besides, yoghurt adds enzymes and oils to the skin, working as a natural moisturizer. It can also reduce pore size, improve overall skin texture, and give you that healthy glow. Let’s discover Yoghurt’s role in skin and hair care.Follow these tried-and-tested yoghurt usage tips, and you'll glow!
- Got blemishes, acne? Slather yoghurt on your acne daily. The rich zinc content will help to clear your skin. Avoid the flavored varieties and apply yoghurt only after you've removed all make-up.
- To stop pimples in their tracks, mix some brewer's yeast with plain yoghurt and apply it on your face. - Itchy scalp? Apply some yoghurt on your head, wrap your hair in a towel and then rinse after 15 minutes. The yoghurt will chase away dandruff, too!
- Your hands and nails can also benefit from yoghurt. Simply combine half a cup of plain yoghurt with the juice of one lemon. Rinse and pat your hands dry. Do this for a fortnight and you will notice how soft and supple your hands feel.
More Yoghurt Packs
Just Yoghurt - Apart from zinc, plain yoghurt contains lactic acid, a natural skin smoother that makes it a simple, yet effective facial mask. Protein Power Pack - 1 egg white, 1 tbsp yoghurt, 1 tsp fuller's earth and 1 tsp honey. Mix and apply on face and neck for cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing benefits all in one!
Nice and Zesty - 1 tsp yoghurt and ¼ orange or ½ lemon juices. Mix together and smooth onto face. Allow to remain on for five minutes, and then rinse off with warm water. Zesting up your yoghurt facial by adding a tablespoon of fresh citrus fruit gives the pack an extra refreshing punch. Besides, lemon and orange restore the skin's normal pH balance, making it look fresh and young again.
Feel-Fab Fruit Pack - ¾ cup plain yoghurt, 1 carrot (for soothing, anti-inflammatory benefits), ½ peach (a natural emollient) and ½ cucumbers (to refresh and soften the skin). Blend together. Apply and let sit on the skin for 10 minutes, then rinse. Your skin will be left feeling renewed and moisturized.
Beat the Dry Daze - ½ cup plain yoghurt, 1 tbsp olive oil and 1 ½ tsp fresh lemon juice. Mix all ingredients together. Apply on the face for five to 10 minutes, and then rinse off with warm water. Heal dry skin.
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